Find out why your supporters unsubscribing by creating an exit survey

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Find out why your supporters unsubscribing by creating an exit survey

As campaigners, we fight hard for and cherish every email address added to our list. When those supporters unknowingly opt-out of emails or hit the unsubscribe button we are often left in the dark, questioning where we went wrong. Here's how we learn from those mistakes by implementing an exit survey.

1. Create an exit survey

Firstly, create a new NationBuilder survey page and connect a survey. Here you can give options to figure out why supporters may be unsubscribing from your emails, and then use that information to improve future campaigns. Common responses include:

  • I didn’t know I subscribed in the first place
  • You send me too many emails
  • Your emails aren’t tailored to my interests/ preferences
  • None of the above

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2. Set up a redirect to your unsubscribe page.

Create a new redirect page that sends supporters to the unsubscribe page. Your NationBuilder unsubscribe page lives at [YOUR_URL]/unsubscribe. Note: Redirect page slugs cannot contain unsubscribe so use "exit_redirect" or similar.

Once you have created the redirect page, head back over to your exit survey page settings and update the landing page with the redirect slug.

3. Update your unsubscribe options

NationBuilder's unsubscribe page design isn't customisable but it is critical to give supporters a final option to update their preferences.

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